So I've decided to come up with twelve projects and tackle one each month. The biggest stress in my life {after my child} is coming home from work and seeing all the work I have to do around the house. Not to mention the fact that I HATE cleaning especially with a toddler around that instantly dirties whatever I just cleaned. I hope that by better organizing our home, it will be easier to keep it clean and life will be less stressful which will result in a much happier me. So here’s my list and a couple ideas for them. If you have any helpful ideas I am all ears!!
{January} Pantry
This task is first
because it is the worst right now. Plus I’ve noticed a weird smell lately so I
need to figure that out soon. I also want to work on gathering extra food for
food storage this year so I’d like to get it organized so we can fit more in
there and it will be easier to see what we have and rotate it.
{February} Master
This is also very much
a need right now. Imagine a bomb full of shoes and clothes that exploded in a
little room. This project will also include going through my clothes and
getting rid of what I don’t wear because right now so much of it doesn’t fit or
is worn out. I feel like my closet it lying to me every time I go in to get
dressed. It looks like lots of clothes but I have nothing to wear. I am also
trying to learn how to put an outfit together better and how to mix and match
so I need to start with a good foundation.
{March} Hall Bathroom
The reason this is
toward the top of the list is because it’s always so hard to find things in
there. And we have a drawer full of medication that isn’t locked up but luckily
{The Bean} hasn’t shown any interest in. I feel like this needs to be remedied
before it causes a problem. Finally, there are certain items I feel every guest
bathroom should have {extra TP, spare toiletries (womanly and hygiene), a
garbage can, clean towels, and a clean hand towel}. So many times I’ve been
placed in the awkward situation at someone else’s house where I’m searching
through drawers looking for toilet paper or I wash my hands and I’m trying to
shake them dry so I don’t have to walk out with wet hand prints on my pants.
{April} Master Bathroom
This task is next
because it should be easier to do it right after doing the other bathroom. This
is the bathroom that we use most {obviously} and it gets dirty easily. I’m
hoping with a little organization it will be easier to find what we need and
put it away afterward so the counter isn’t always covered in stuff. It could
also use a good deep clean. I tend to clean house from the front to the back
and the master bathroom and closet are at the VERY back.
{May} Storage Unit
We really wanted to do
this before it got cold but we didn’t get around to it. But as soon as it gets
warm out it will be done! Since we basically have unlimited storage we through
a lot of stuff in our storage unit and offer to keep other people’s stuff for
them for what so far seems to be unlimited amounts of time. I really want to
get some shelves and get our holiday decorations and seasonal gear set up in a
way that it is quick and easy to get to.
{June} {The Bean’s}
I figure since her
birthday in is June this would be a good time to re-do her room. I’ve wanted to
get her a bigger bed for a while. I’d love to get a full size bed so we can use
it when guests come but the room isn’t very big so we’ll probably end up with a
twin. A twin would still be fine though because then she can use my old bedroom
{July} Our Bedroom
Our bedroom is pretty
sad looking right now and definitely needs some TLC. We’ve wanted to get a
bedroom set for years but can never afford the ones we like. So my plan for our
room is to get really lucky and find some furniture at yard sales/thrift stores
for super cheap that I can spruce up and we can enjoy until we can afford our
dream set, someday!
{August} Surprise!
August is {The Man’s}
birthday month so I have a special project I have planned for him but in case
of the very slim chance that he ever looks at my blog I’m not going to post it
{September} Front Closet
September is hot. So
hot that I never feel like doing anything so picked a small project for this
month. I may add a couple other small projects if I feel like it. This might be
a good time to tackle the junk drawer or maybe the never ending paper piles.
{October} Hall Closet
This is sort of the ‘catch
all’ for everything that is too big for the junk drawer including holiday
decorations, linens, board games, tools, Scentsty scents, wall hangings that
aren’t hanging, boxes, etc., etc., etc. It’s getting a little over crowded.
{November} Craft Room
Hopefully by next
November it will be cleaner than it is right now but I’d love to get some
little baskets and shelves to organize my supplies better.
{December} Laundry Room
I saved this for last
because it isn’t exactly a necessity although I would like to have our cleaning
supplies a little more organized. I’ve come across so many ideas on Pinterest
for laundry rooms that I’d love to try a few out. A few ideas for this room
include a small deep freeze, a rack to hang wet clothes, and some stacked
clothes baskets. I also want to find some space in here for emergency supplies.
Looking at my list
right now it looks like a lot of work but hopefully spacing it out over the next
twelve months will make it doable if not easy. {The Man} and {The Bean} will be
leaving town soon for a weekend so I’m hoping to tackle the pantry then. I’ve
come across a few pantry organization pins lately including one using supplies
mostly from the dollar store so I’ll be putting together my plan soon.
So it looks like over the next few months you'll literally see what's inside my closets. :)