I breastfeed because formula is expensive and honestly when I had my first child it never really occurred to me that there was an alternative. I just thought breastfeeding was what you did. My daughter did have formula. We had a rocky start so we supplemented sometimes. And I lost my supply around nine months when I returned to work so we finished off her first year on only formula. I have nothing against it besides the fact that its expensive and breast milk is free. And easier most of the time. My son is just over two months and has never had formula. At this point I'm starting to feel like its a game. Let's see how long we can go without buying formula. Challenge accepted!
Baby wearing seemed obvious too. Why fumble around getting a bulky stroller in and out of the car when you can throw your kid in a carrier and go? And why not have your hands free to do stuff around the house when they just want to snuggle? Again, it just seemed easier.
Now cosleeping, this one is definitely me being lazy. My babies always start out in their beds but then I have to feed them and I'm exhausted so we lay down in bed and I pass out. A few hours later we wake up with everything still hanging out so we pop it back in and I'm back asleep.
Making baby food was an obvious money saver to me. Those cute little jars are so expensive and most of them don't smell all that appetizing. So I thought why not just blend up the same food we eat? They're going to be eating it soon enough anyway.
The only "granola" thing I wasn't doing according to her post was cloth diapering. I wanted to try CDing from the time {The Bean} was a baby but there are so many choices it was just too intimidating. Plus the initial investment seemed pretty steep. But over time it's supposed to be a huge money saver which was the reason I was interested. Of course with her I was never able to take the leap. But now that I've had my second baby it keeps popping into my head again. I was fortunate during this pregnancy to join an amazing group of ladies that were all due within the same week that I was. A few of them cloth diaper and have been nice enough to answer my millions of questions even though I know they're probably thinking "just do it or shut up already!" So today I finally ordered my first cloth diapers. Three of them to be exact, for $5 a piece. They won't be here for a few weeks but I hope I like it and can save a bunch of money with it.
One thing that wasn't on her list that seems a little "granola" to me is home schooling. But now that {The Bean} is getting older I'll admit, I've thought about it a few times. But in the end, the socialization she'll get at public school along with the free time I'll get will always win out. We are having fun doing our own preschool lesson plans though and I am always amazed by what a little genius she is.
So am I a granola mom? I'm still going to say no. Will I do whatever I have to do to save money and make things easier for myself? Am I {cheap and lazy}? You bet ya! But I can't imagine being a mom any other way!