Friday, October 19, 2012

She's a {big girl} now!

Wet panties: 5  Poopy panties: 2  Potty: 1

Okay so maybe those stats don't exactly scream success but I do consider today to be a step in the right direction.

Right step #1   She wore panties all day. Usually once we're out of clean ones I break down and put her back in a diaper. Today we through them straight in the washer so we had more when we needed them. Potty training is really giving my washer a work out. Hopefully it will lead to better days ahead.

Right step #2   Lately when {The Bean} would go potty in her panties she would just sit in it and sometimes would even freak out if I tried to change her just like when she is in a diaper. It's my understanding that one component of successful potty training is when the child realizes they don't like sitting in soiled pants they want to use the potty to avoid that. Well today when she would wet her pants she would take them off. Was she using the toilet? No, but at least she's starting to realize dirty underpants aren't real fun.

Right step #3   Today I changed my attitude toward accidents. I'm still working on patience when it comes to cleaning poopy panties, in fact I would rather do ANYTHING else but when I don't get mad at her for having an accident a funny thing happens. I don't get mad. It's much easier to stick with something that isn't constantly ticking you off. I'm hoping that by taking some of the pressure off of her for having an accident, she will go back to wanting to do it herself.

We were actually doing really well for a while but one day she just decided she didn't want to do it anymore. So we took a break but now we're going all the way wether I like it or not. Some people might say that changing methods and taking breaks won't work because kids need consistency. But if something isn't working being consistent is not going to change that. When we find our groove we will work on consistency.

What are some of your potty training tricks?

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