Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The {Sad} Truth

This past weekend I went home to visit my family and to attend a baby shower. I had been 100% gluten free for about a week and a half before this. At my appointment my doctor had told me to cut back on gluten and sweets. Not eliminate, just cut back. I figured I would try and be totally gluten free until my next appointment and then after that if I was totally gluten free most of the time I would be able to splurge a little here and there for holidays and special occasions and such. Well this weekend I had planned on staying totally gluten free since my appointment is this coming Thursday. I was doing great {which is hard to do in a gluten filled house} until Saturday morning at the baby shower. My friend had made the most delicious looking chicken salad croissants. And there were cinnamon rolls which looked too good to pass up on. So I figured I'd been good for a while. I could do it. I had two sandwhiches and a roll. Amazing! I {love} gluten so much! But not too long after I could already feel the headache coming on and the brain fog rolling in. Not too bad though.

Later that day my mom brought home pizza for lunch. I figured I'd already cheated I might as well have this too. Bad move. Current symptoms increased and were joined by fatigue and stomach pains. By 9:30 I couldn't stay up any longer. I was exhausted. Plus I was so bloated my slightly too big pants were tight and I had to get them off. That night my stomach hurt so bad it kept waking me up. Even in my dreams my stomach was hurting.

I was happy to get home where I have better control of what I eat and more gluten free options. I think before I didn't pay much attention to those symptoms because it was normal. That was just the way I felt. But after having them go away for a week and then come back full force, it wasn't pleasant. I am glad to know that I can make myself feel better but I'm still pretty bummed about everything I'll have to sacrifice to do it. It's always going to be a hassle. I think I can do it in my own home when I'm in charge but going out to eat? Or eating at others houses when I don't know what has gone into what? I think that will be the worst. And it couldn't have come at a worse time with the holidays coming up!

I've started to go through our fridge and pantry and marking things with a green check mark or a red X to help myself and my husband while preparing meals. We've started switching brands to gluten free options for things like soy sauce and mayo. It will take time but we'll figure it out. And family, don't be surprised to see check marks and X's on your food at some point! I'll try and be picky behind the scenes to make meal time a little easier for every one. :)

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